Green lentils

Lentils are a plant of the legume family, whose closest relatives are peas, chickpeas, beans, mung beans, and soybeans. It is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, very nutritious, and at the same time easily digestible by the body.


Flax is a popular plant crop found almost all over the world, and one of the most common subspecies of this plant is oil flax. This valuable plant is grown not only for oil, but also for the production of fabrics, paper, cardboard, and even building boards.


Peas are an ancient crop that was grown along with wheat, barley, millet and lentils. Peas are suitable for growing in Siberia like no other food crop. They have a short growing season, high resistance to cold, pests and diseases, and excellent yield when processed with agricultural technology.


Oats - the unique chemical composition of the grain allows oats to be used not only in the form of flakes, muesli, cereals, but also in the form of infusions, decoctions, extracts that help sick and recovering people, and also to use this grain for dietary, special and sports nutrition.


Buckwheat is a member of the Polygonaceae family, which includes common, multifoliate, and Tartary buckwheat. Common buckwheat is grown as both a cereal and a honey plant. The plant is rich in vitamins E and B.


Barley is a grain crop that has been cultivated since ancient times. Wild species were known to the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Palestinians and Tibetans. Barley was grown for food and feed purposes.


Wheat is a cereal crop characterized by hard, hollow stems that envelop the leaves and ears. Wheat is primarily used as a food, industrial, and forage crop.


Rape - a traditional oilseed crop that is grown not only in Russia, but also in the territories of America, Europe, Asia and Australia.


Soy has been a part of traditional Asian dishes for millennia. There is evidence that soy beans were cultivated in China as early as 9000 BCE.